Contact us!

We use to book our rooms, but if you have questions and want to call or email, please feel free!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Little Changes

We're looking ahead to our next year and remodel season is upon us. How can we change our rooms to better suit our guests?
To get up and running, we did the best with what we had. A few couches that turn into beds, some lamps from former housemates, and a rainbow of sheets, and we opened the doors!
But now, we're looking at what additional details can we add to make the rooms unique? Interesting? Comfortable? Inspiring? Stay tuned for some big and small changes and maybe come back and visit our new rooms in the spring and summer. Or  better yet, tell your friends! We can't wait to show you what we've done!

The Quiet Season

Bed and Breakfast Inns have high seasons and low seasons, generally. That's been true for us too. But they just look and feel different. It's definitely not "quiet" and we seem to get less folks, but longer stays. Interesting. We just host an 18 person Thanksgiving meal and we were able to invite our current guests to join our family fun. It was awesome! Our family is big and inviting and a new person is taken in, (swallowed whole, more like) and turns into a family member in one evening. Our guests made a dish, chatted with different folks, and generally had a great time, just taking it all in. And Thanksgiving in November isn't even a custom of theirs!
Just goes to show, that being in the B&B industry is way more fulfilling than I thought and I could never have imagined these experiences in my wildest dreams!