After the arrival of our lovely son, Kalev Milo, on August 31, 2012, we have been itching to get back into our B&B world. We miss it so much!
And we are learning that a little one and a B&B need some separation (our living room looked like a Toys R Us showroom for about 5 months) so we are remodeling our basement and moving down there so that guests can still roam free without the fear of stepping on Legos or having to use Lincoln Logs to stir their coffee.
We will definitely be up and running by the summer months and Kalev will be excited to meet all of you while learning the ways of the biz. If you are looking to make a reservation, please contact us and we will set you up.
Synergy B&B has moved things around a bit so that there is a TV room/Business Center (with an iMac and printer) adjacent to the public veranda, adding a third common space to our home, so folks don't only have to congregate in the Great Room. We will have three rooms to rent, all with queen-sized beds and shared bathrooms.
Our Writer's Retreat is getting a makeover (more writer-themed decor, a reading nook, and a beefed up writer's desk) and Northern Light is getting a few upgrades as well.Our third room will become our Feng Shui room, decorated with feng shui information, cures, and themes. We love to educate and share our passions!
In addition to the physical space, we are looking into all-inclusive, themed retreat packages for folks, to stand out from other B&Bs. Feel free to share any ideas you have!
We're still working through, but we do hope to branch out into our own website as soon as we get a minute to design it.
Thanks for your interest, support, and of course, thanks for staying with us!